Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz
LETTER | Call for logging moratorium to tackle climate change
LETTER | People-centred leadership can help tackle health, economic crisis
LETTER | Constitutional crisis and parliamentary democracy
LETTER | Include environmental-friendly criteria in halal certification
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LETTER | Be serious in handling climate change
LETTER | Stop undignified politics
Introduce transparent platform to facilitate aid to frontliners
Supervised visit to Xinjiang will not solve issue
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Majlis Penasihat Pendidikan gagal tunjukkan kepelbagaian
Freedom of religion by religion for religion
National Day, history and the role of micro-powers
Are we on the right track in redefining youth?
Five questions on TPPA for Malaysian MPs
Whistleblowers unprotected under WPA?
Political Islam and post-Islamism era
A nation of 'intruders'? Or a plural society?